Category: Uncategorized

  • What drives the IndyWales conversation?

    What drives the IndyWales conversation?

    As someone with a strong interest in politics and public affairs, I’ve been following the IndyWales discussion with interest for many years. Nothing has the potential to change the nature of our politics, constitution, society and environment as much as becoming an independent nation, and whilst these discussions have taken place as long as my…

  • Infrastructure in Wales

    Infrastructure is the Cinderella of modern society. Underpinning every activity we undertake, it is nonetheless largely taken for granted, except when it isn’t there. It’s the job of policy-makers and planners in the public sector, and their counterparts and engineering professionals in the private sector, to ensure that infrastructure is robust and accessible round the…

  • Powys — where’s your £50 million?

    Evidence I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge — Galileo Galilei I’m a scientist. To be more precise, I’m a physicist. I’ve had a strong interest…